It’s All About Balance

Balance the Energy

In Chinese medicine, health and life are a balance between yin and yang, between complimentary and interconnected forces of energy. It’s give and take.  It sounds simple. All we need to do to enjoy good health, perfect relationships, and overwhelming happiness is to balance.

As a horse owner, do you ever feel like your life is in a constant flux of imbalance? It’s like you’re in the wrong lead, cross firing and your saddle is slipping. Whether it’s your horse, your health, your mental peace, or your relationships, finding that sweet spot is a constant struggle.

This website’s purpose is to discuss all things horse related. As a retired veterinarian and a practitioner of the art of Chinese medicine and energy manipulation, it is my desire to impart some of my hard-learned wisdom and knowledge to you.  In doing so, perhaps maintaining your balance as a fellow horse lover may become a bit easier.